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ALL SHIPPING IS FROM LEWISBURG, TENNESSEE. Due to orders attempting to being placed with stolen credit cards, every order is screened for possible fraud
before processing and offenders will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Imprisonment for ten years and a $10,000 fine just for the attempt. The Secret Service is a criminal law enforcement agency which operates under the provisions of Title 18 of the United
States Code, Section 3056. Under Section 3056, Subsection (b), the Secret Service is specifically authorized to detect and
arrest any person who violates federal criminal laws relating to coins, obligations, and securities of the United States and
foreign governments, electronic fund transfers, credit or debit card fraud, false identification documents or devices, and
certain laws relating to financial institutions. Additionally, pursuant to Title 18 of the United States Code, Sections 1029
and 1030, the Secret Service is specifically charged with the authority to investigate offenses concerning fraud and related
activity in connection with computers and/or access devices. See Title 18 U.S.C. 1030(d), Fraud and related activity in connection
with computers ("The United States States Secret Service shall ... have the authority to investigate offenses under
this section.").
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